The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) is a cross-industry initiative by the Linux Foundation that brings together the industry’s most important open source security initiatives and the individuals and companies that support them. The OpenSSF is committed to collaboration and working both upstream and with existing communities to advance open source security for all. For more information, please visit us at 

The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organisations with the industry’s most secure and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation. We host the Eclipse IDE, Adoptium, Software Defined Vehicle, Jakarta EE, and over 420 high-impact open source projects. We are dedicated to open source supply chain security through our team of expert security professionals, third-party audits, and our role as a CVE Numbering Authority for effective vulnerability management. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, the Eclipse Foundation is an international non-profit association supported by over 360 members.

CYBERNODE.SE is a Swedish collaboration network for accelerating innovation and research in cybersecurity in the industry and the public sector. The collaboration is funded by MSB (The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) and NCC-SE (The Swedish National Coordination Centre for cybersecurity research  and innovation). Hosted by RISE and funded by Vinnova, the node has members across the industry, public sector and academy. The goal is to create an innovation arena for the industry and contribute to faster and more secure digitalisation in Sweden.


SIG Security is one of Sweden’s largest associations of professionals within IT-, information- and cybersecurity. With more than 400 members, the purpose of the association is to create understanding of and inspire work in information security by:

  • promote and develop members’ contacts and exchange of experience both within and outside SIG Security,
  • initiate important discussions and knowledge dissemination,
  • promote and influence education and conference activities,
  • promote a sound and good development of information security within business, public administration and society in general.

More information can be found at