One of the goals with the EU Cyber Resilience Act is to improve cyber security in the EU and by doing that, lower the costs for incidents. By pushing the responsibility to the vendors, making them prioritise the security of their user and customers, the CRA will be a huge change for the software industry world wide.

Join us for the panel discussion on the summit. We will discuss this topic as well as answer questions from the audience!

Panel discussion participants

Daniel Stenberg

Daniel Stenberg
Curl, WolfSSL

John Billow
Head of department, Cybersecurity and certification
National Cybersecurity Certification Authority, FMV

Mikaël Barbero
Head of Security
Eclipse Foundation

Johanna Parikka Altensted

Johanna Parikka Altenstedt
Master of Law, Sociologist, and Ph. Licentiate in Media Sciences

Olle E Johansson

Olle E. Johansson
Edvina AB

Categories: Conference news