We are building the conference and still have a few days open for your contribution. Read the call for papers and submit your proposal to Olle now!

We have in-depth sessions that give you the opportunity to cover a topic fully. The conference talks is shorter, half-hour, sessions that let you introduce a topic.

How to submit

Send email to Olle E Johansson (conference chair) at oej@edvina.net with

  • Title of your talk
  • A paragraph describing the content
  • Your name, title and a short bio
  • Photograph

No later than June 15th, 2024.

Suggested topics for talks

  • Compliance – the road to CE marking your product
  • Software supply chain security
  • Horisontal standards and related work – like ISO 27001 etc
  • DevSecOps and software transparency
  • Security artefacts: SBOM, VEX, attestations
    • Formats
  • Secure by design development process
  • Secure Code Frameworks
  • Coordinated vulnerability disclosure
  • Vulnerability handling – updating, prioritising and interacting with customers
  • Tools for scanning, vulnerability checking, compliance, SBOM and artefact management
  • The EU regulation: The Cyber Resilience Act, RED-DA and NIS2 as well as the umbrella – Cyber Security Act
    • What is the current status?
    • Who will be affected?
  • EU certification: EU-CC
  • Vulnerability databases: CVE, NVD, OSV and others – including the coming EU vulnerability database
  • Process: How to modify the product development process to adopt to the regulation
  • Shift security left: How to integrate cyber security professionals early in the process
  • How does a customer manage software transparency
  • Interacting with Open Source projects – 3rd party dependencies
  • Other related topics

Topics for workshops

Workshops are 1.5 hour sessions with educational content. Ideas:

  • CycloneDX standard and tools
  • SPDX standard and tools
  • Securing your supply chain – practical advice
  • Coordinated vulnerability disclosure – how to set it up, experiences
  • Introduction to the Cyber Resilience Act for management
  • Secure by design: How do we get there?
  • Best practices for secure code
  • Stepping up in the devsecops process: How to implement security checks and SBOMs
  • Due diligence of 3rd party components – commercial and open source
  • Pentesting your software – an introduction
  • Other related topics of interest
Categories: Conference news